Diomdes D.
Certified Teacher with over 10 years of teaching and tutoring experience
Spanish English
$27 / 60 min
* Excluding tax
* Free cancelation up to 24 hours before the session
About Diomdes
Are you interested in becoming fluent in Spanish? Here is the right person to help you. My name is Diomedes D. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Education in Languages and earned internationally recognized TESOL, TEYL, and DELE teaching certificates. I have over ten years of teaching and tutoring experience and over five years of online teaching experience. I have taught for some of the best online schools and my students usually describe me as a very caring teacher with a great ability to see my students’ learning and adapt my teaching so that my students can benefit to the full from each lesson they take with me. If you decide to take online lessons with me, you are more than sure to have every single lesson you book with me because I always make sure to have everything I need plus a backup of each thing, just in case something happens on the way. My training, experience, and passion for teaching are the basic guarantees that I offer you to succeed in achieving your goal of becoming proficient in Spanish.
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