Asha G.
Expert Writing, Reading, and Literature Tutor
English Spanish
$30 / 60 min
* Excluding tax
* Free cancelation up to 24 hours before the session
About Asha
If you’re looking for a writing tutor that has over 7 years of REAL WORLD experience as a copywriter and award-winning author… look no further. Not only do I understand the mechanics of the craft, I have been out in the field and written content for a wide array of clients. In addition, I’m a published poet and blogger. BONIUS: I offer you my knowledge and expertise if you’re looking to learn more about careers that leverage writing skills! I’ve been tutoring writing and English from as early as I can remember. My approach is unique in that I help students enirch their THINKING and IDEATING processes before they put words on the page. I believe the best writers know how to synthesize different sources of information, distill the essentials, and THEN add an original spin. I always encourage students to be excellent researchers first…that way, their insights will deepen and their writing will become more engaging. I’m looking forward to working with you all!
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