Teacher Registration

1 Create
2 Education
3 Teaching
4 Languages
5 Profile
6 Availability
7 Offer

Initial Information


Teaching Subjects

Spoken Languages

The languages you speak fluently and want to teach in:

Public Profile

Upload professional photo of yourself

(Optional) Introduce your qualification, teaching approach and competence in a short video from YouTube or VIMEO.

Public Details

This will show under your name in the Teacher's card

Minimum 500 characters


Your timezone

What days are you available?

My Offer

Single Session Price

$15 minimum session price

You earn
per session.

Tutor.one receives $0 (0%).

Do you want to offer a free intro session to new students?
How many hours upfront can students book a session?
Session approval

For better control over your calendar and students, you need to approve each session.

Thank you for joining tutor.one!

If you have completed all steps from the registration, your profile is visible in the marketplace.

You can update and complete your profile from "My profile" tab in your account.

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